The physical difference between neon and cardinal tetras is that the lower red stripe on the cardinal tetra extends across the full length on their body, whereas with ...
This video shows a group of Cardinal Tetras living in an aquarium decorated with live plants. Cardinal Tetras are very beautiful fish, but they're difficult to ...
Aquarium Tetras for sale at, a retail tropical fish dealer, where buying tetra fish is fun.
Are you having trouble keeping your Neon Tetras alive? Here are a few tips in catching the first warning signs of dying neon tetra.
Common name. Cardinal Tetra Image gallery: Additional species photographs. Discuss: Badmans' Forum. Distribution. Northern South America, Venezuela ...
Brief Description. This is an ultimate guide on raising Neon tetras in fish tanks, breeding them, taking care of fry and basically every aspect of keeping this specie.
Good (and Bad) Beginner Fish contributed by Dean Hougen This article considers fish choices for the beginning aquarist, covering good choices for the complete novice ...
Characin fish guide for Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi, fish pictures, description and information, Neon Tetra care, habitat, tankmates, lifespan, and breeding ...
Growing Aquarium Plants. Growing aquarium plants is a great way to beautify your aquarium and create a better ecosystem in your tank. There is no comparison …
Features. Home » Features » Aquascaping. How to set up an aquarium with plastic plants. Copyright © Practical Fishkeeping. This amazing aquascape has been set up ...
Good (and Bad) Beginner Fish contributed by Dean Hougen This article considers fish choices for the beginning aquarist, covering good choices for the complete novice ...
Brief Description. This is an ultimate guide on raising Neon tetras in fish tanks, breeding them, taking care of fry and basically every aspect of keeping this specie.
Growing plants without soil is often called hydroponics. The name implies that the plants are grown in water containing dissolved nutrients. However, pure water ...
How to Plant Pond Plants Without Soil. If you want a clearer pond, you may want to consider going soilless. Pond baskets will allow you to grow pond plants in the ...
Last Updated: 2/19/14. Two of my neon tetras on 4/22/01 in the 3 gallon tank. On the left is a gold neon tetra, and on the right is a green neon tetra.
1 Functions and considerations; 2 Types of substrate; 3 See also; 4 References; Functions and considerations . Substrates are added to most aquaria principally for ...
See how the plant world’s blooming buddies can turn a garden into paradise.
My tetras are a bit d, I got them on saturday (today's tuesday) and they don't eat thier food. Is it because they're still going through the acclimatization process?
What breed/strain of Discus do you like the most? Click the Galleries link for pics!
What do you mean "Natural Aquarium?" The term "Natural Aquarium" can be used to describe different types of planted aquariums, including any planted aquarium.
Floating plants, such as hornwort, Najas, and Java moss can also be used to help a tank get started. However, too many floating plants can block out too much light.
2007-10-2· Choosing fish tank gravel or substrate is usually done based on color and style: aquarium gravel, pea gravel, sand, or other materials. It is possible to ...
Your suggestion is on its way! An email with a link to: http://landscaping.about/od/drivewaysandwalkways1/f/gravel_driveway.htm. …
CO 2: Aquarium Plants need CO 2 to live, without it they cannot assimilate the nutrients they need. In the water CO 2 is mainly derived from the bacteria breaking ...
The Garden Helper is a free gardening encyclopedia and guides to growing and caring for gardens, plants and flowers. Helping gardeners grow their dreams since 1997.
Characin fish guide for Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi, fish pictures, description and information, Neon Tetra care, habitat, tankmates, lifespan, and breeding ...
Grows plants, and offers soil mixes, irrigation systems, propagating, pruning and planting equipment.
This article addresses the following concerns: Deciding to switch to sand; Choosing the type of sand; Switching out gravel for sand; Maintaining the sand
Quality water plants for ponds and aquariums. 30 years in business, 250+ varieties of plants! Expert recommendations and assistnce available.
Good (and Bad) Beginner Fish contributed by Dean Hougen This article considers fish choices for the beginning aquarist, covering good choices for the complete novice ...
Brief Description. This is an ultimate guide on raising Neon tetras in fish tanks, breeding them, taking care of fry and basically every aspect of keeping this specie.
Growing plants without soil is often called hydroponics. The name implies that the plants are grown in water containing dissolved nutrients. However, pure water ...
How to Plant Pond Plants Without Soil. If you want a clearer pond, you may want to consider going soilless. Pond baskets will allow you to grow pond plants in the ...
Last Updated: 2/19/14. Two of my neon tetras on 4/22/01 in the 3 gallon tank. On the left is a gold neon tetra, and on the right is a green neon tetra.
1 Functions and considerations; 2 Types of substrate; 3 See also; 4 References; Functions and considerations . Substrates are added to most aquaria principally for ...
See how the plant world’s blooming buddies can turn a garden into paradise.
My tetras are a bit d, I got them on saturday (today's tuesday) and they don't eat thier food. Is it because they're still going through the acclimatization process?
What breed/strain of Discus do you like the most? Click the Galleries link for pics!
What do you mean "Natural Aquarium?" The term "Natural Aquarium" can be used to describe different types of planted aquariums, including any planted aquarium.
The physical difference between neon and cardinal tetras is that the lower red stripe on the cardinal tetra extends across the full length on their body, whereas with ...
This video shows a group of Cardinal Tetras living in an aquarium decorated with live plants. Cardinal Tetras are very beautiful fish, but they're difficult to ...
Aquarium Tetras for sale at, a retail tropical fish dealer, where buying tetra fish is fun.
Are you having trouble keeping your Neon Tetras alive? Here are a few tips in catching the first warning signs of dying neon tetra.
Common name. Cardinal Tetra Image gallery: Additional species photographs. Discuss: Badmans' Forum. Distribution. Northern South America, Venezuela ...
Brief Description. This is an ultimate guide on raising Neon tetras in fish tanks, breeding them, taking care of fry and basically every aspect of keeping this specie.
Good (and Bad) Beginner Fish contributed by Dean Hougen This article considers fish choices for the beginning aquarist, covering good choices for the complete novice ...
Characin fish guide for Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi, fish pictures, description and information, Neon Tetra care, habitat, tankmates, lifespan, and breeding ...
Growing Aquarium Plants. Growing aquarium plants is a great way to beautify your aquarium and create a better ecosystem in your tank. There is no comparison …
Features. Home » Features » Aquascaping. How to set up an aquarium with plastic plants. Copyright © Practical Fishkeeping. This amazing aquascape has been set up ...