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diseases caused by undergroung mining

Coal mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mountaintop coal mining is a surface mining practice involving removal of mountaintops to expose coal seams, and disposing of associated mining overburden in adjacent ...

Coal Mining - The Environmental Literacy Council

Coal Mining. Although it is a rock rather than a mineral (the building blocks of rocks), coal is often considered to be a mineral resource. Coal has been mined since ...

Alabama and coal - SourceWatch

In a test case, some of the coal ash waste that spilled in TVA's Kingston plant disaster is being sent to Georgia and Alabama. TVA is loading it onto rail cars, where ...

asbestos: Definition from Answers - Answers - The …

"Asbestos" is a term used to describe any of several naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals of the amphibole or serpentine groups. Asbestos fibers may be ...

Wieliczka Salt Mine Photos - KHiart

Within the Janowice Chamber, there is a salt sculpture depicting the legend of St. Kinga, with a miner handing a block of salt to Queen Kinga, containing her ...

Laos Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia ...

Get information, facts, and pictures about Laos at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about Laos easy with credible articles from our FREE ...

Introduction to the Edwards Aquifer

Introduction to the Edwards Aquifer. The Edwards Aquifer is an underground layer of porous, honeycombed, water-bearing rock that is between 300-700 feet thick.

Wikipedia:Unusual articles - Wikipedia, the free …

This page is for Wikipedians to list articles that seem unusual. These articles are valuable contributions to the encyclopedia, but are a bit odd, whimsical, or ...

new illuminati: ARC SURVIVAL BUNKERS: Underground …

2011-3-17· Members can choose from a 4,3,2,1 bedroom condo, a studio or a bunk in one of the many dormitories. The ARC Bunker for North Alabama is the largest of the ...

Cicadoidea Reference List - tmcnary

New Additions Most recent to earlier additions (Latest additions: 1-APR-2013). Sota, T., S. Yamamoto, J. R. Cooley, K. B. R. Hill, C. Simon and J. Yoshimura. 2013.