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impact of mining in rual livelihood in ghana

Agenda 21 - Nigeria - United Nations

Click here to go to the following issues: Economic Aspects | Natural Resource Aspects | Institutional Aspects | Social Aspects |Nigeria. NATURAL RESOURCE ASPECTS …

Country Profile - Zimbabwe - United Nations

zimbabwe. country profile. implementation of agenda 21: review of progress made since the united nations conference on environment and development, 1992

Chapter 17: POVERTY ALLEVIATION - Guyana

Source: IICA/IFAD, 1994. Table 17-2 National Distribution by Basic Needs and Poverty Lines, 1993

Standard of living in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since 1949 the Chinese economy was characterized by widespread poverty, extreme income inequalities, and endemic insecurity of livelihood. By means of centralized ...

British people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

British people, also known as Britons or archaically as Britishers, are nationals or natives of the United Kingdom, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies ...